Advantages of Upgrading to a High-Efficiency Furnace in Calgary: A Clear Choice for Lower Energy Bills

Upgrading to a high-efficiency furnace is a smart move for homeowners in Calgary. Not only does it provide an immediate reduction in energy bills, but it also has long-term benefits that make it a wise investment. With the harsh winter months in Calgary, having a reliable and efficient heating system is essential for maintaining a comfortable home.

One of the main advantages of upgrading to a high-efficiency furnace from is the significant reduction in energy bills. These furnaces are designed to use less energy to produce the same amount of heat as traditional furnaces, resulting in lower monthly utility bills.

In this post, we will further explore the advantages of high-efficiency furnaces and explain why they are a great choice for Calgary homeowners.

Understanding High-Efficiency Furnaces

High-efficiency furnaces are a popular choice for homeowners looking to upgrade their heating systems. These furnaces are designed to convert more fuel into heat, resulting in less energy consumption and lower energy bills. Understanding how these furnaces work and the benefits they offer can help homeowners make an informed decision when upgrading their heating system.

One important factor to consider when evaluating high-efficiency furnaces is their AFUE rating. AFUE stands for Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency and measures the amount of fuel a furnace converts into heat. The higher the AFUE rating, the more efficient the furnace is. Most high-efficiency furnaces have an AFUE rating of at least 95%, meaning that 95% of the fuel is used for heating, while only 5% is wasted.

Another feature of high-efficiency furnaces is the use of secondary heat exchangers. These heat exchangers capture additional heat that is typically lost in conventional furnaces. This results in a more efficient combustion process and less wasted energy.

High-efficiency furnaces also often have two-stage heating, which means they can operate at a low or high setting depending on the temperature needs of the home. This allows for more precise heating control and can result in further energy savings.

Energy and Cost Savings

Upgrading to a high-efficiency furnace in Calgary can result in significant energy and cost savings. High-efficiency furnaces are designed to use less energy than traditional furnaces, which can lead to lower energy bills. By using less energy, homeowners can also reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future.

According to a study conducted by Natural Resources Canada, upgrading to a high-efficiency furnace can result in energy savings of up to 25% compared to a standard furnace. This translates to lower energy bills and significant cost savings over time. In addition to lower energy bills, homeowners may also be eligible for government rebates and incentives for upgrading to a high-efficiency furnace.

High-efficiency furnaces are designed to operate more efficiently than traditional furnaces. They use advanced technologies such as variable-speed motors and electronic ignition systems to reduce energy consumption and improve performance. This means that homeowners can enjoy a comfortable home while using less energy and saving money on their heating bills.

Environmental Impact

Upgrading to a high-efficiency furnace in Calgary can have a positive impact on the environment. High-efficiency furnaces are designed to use less energy, which means fewer natural resources are consumed to generate heat. This results in a reduced carbon footprint and fewer emissions released into the environment.

According to the Department of Energy, upgrading to a high-efficiency furnace can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by up to 1.5 tons per year. This is equivalent to taking one car off the road for a year. By reducing carbon emissions, homeowners can help to protect the environment and combat climate change.

In addition to reducing carbon emissions, upgrading to a high-efficiency furnace can also help to conserve natural resources. High-efficiency furnaces use less fuel than traditional furnaces, which means less natural gas is consumed. This helps to conserve natural gas reserves, which are a finite resource.

Improved Home Comfort

Upgrading to a high-efficiency furnace in Calgary can significantly improve home comfort. Homeowners can enjoy a more comfortable living environment with fewer cold spots and improved indoor air quality.

High-efficiency furnaces operate more quietly than traditional furnaces, making them ideal for homeowners who want to reduce noise in their homes. These furnaces also provide consistent heating throughout the home, eliminating cold spots and ensuring that every room is comfortable.

In addition to providing better temperature control, high-efficiency furnaces also improve indoor air quality. These furnaces have advanced filtration systems that remove dust, allergens, and other pollutants from the air, creating a healthier living environment.

Longevity and Reliability

Upgrading to a high-efficiency furnace in Calgary can provide homeowners with longevity and reliability benefits. A well-maintained high-efficiency furnace can have a longer lifespan than a decade-old standard-efficiency furnace.

High-efficiency furnaces operate differently than standard-efficiency furnaces, and this can impact their longevity. High-efficiency furnaces have a secondary heat exchanger that captures more heat from the combustion process, resulting in less wasted energy. This means that high-efficiency furnaces can operate at lower temperatures for longer periods, reducing wear and tear on the unit.

In addition, high-efficiency furnaces typically have more advanced components and technology, which can make them more reliable. They often come with longer warranties, providing homeowners with added peace of mind.

Regular maintenance is essential for any furnace to operate at its best, and this is especially true for high-efficiency furnaces. Homeowners should schedule annual maintenance with a qualified HVAC technician to ensure that their furnace is running efficiently and to catch any potential issues before they become major problems.


Upgrading to a high-efficiency furnace in Calgary can provide numerous benefits. While the upfront cost may be higher than a standard furnace, the long-term savings on utility bills can make it a worthwhile investment. Additionally, the increased efficiency of a high-efficiency furnace can lead to a more comfortable home with more precise temperature control and fewer cold spots.

One of the key factors to consider when upgrading to a high-efficiency furnace is the Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) rating. High-efficiency furnaces typically have AFUE ratings of 90% or higher, meaning that 90% or more of the fuel is used for heating, with only a small amount being wasted. This is in contrast to older furnaces, which may have AFUE ratings of 80% or lower, resulting in significant waste.

Another advantage of upgrading to a high-efficiency furnace is the ability to regulate air distribution with variable airflow. This can further improve energy conservation and reduce utility bills. Additionally, advanced technologies such as variable-speed blowers and modulating burners can provide even heating throughout the home, eliminating cold spots and increasing overall comfort.

Overall, upgrading to a high-efficiency furnace in Calgary can provide numerous benefits, including long-term savings on utility bills, increased efficiency, and improved comfort. While the upfront cost may be higher, the investment can pay off in the long run, making it a smart choice for homeowners looking to improve their home’s heating system.