How Long Does It Take to Have Your Home Professionally Cleaned?

Hiring a cleaning company to tidy your home can be a smart move, but you may be concerned about how long it will take. Of course, the size of your home is going to be the major factor at play here. A larger home will take longer to clean than a small home. There are other factors you need to consider as well, and we’re going to look at those as we discuss how long it takes to have your home cleaned by professionals.

The Cleaning Method

Some cleaning companies will take longer to clean the same amount of space as the competing cleaning company. That’s probably due to the kind of cleaning methods that they use. Some companies will use eco-friendly solutions for spotless homes, and others will use very quick methods that don’t take the environment into account.

If you are concerned about how long the cleaning process will take, you can always ask the cleaning company ahead of time. You can do that before you even schedule a time for them to come and clean your home. They will probably want to know the type of cleaning you want done and the size of the area they are supposed to clean. If you can give them the square footage, they should be able to give you an estimate on the cleaning time.

Each company should have a good idea of how long it takes for their cleaners to tidy up an area. They will be well aware of their own cleaning methods and how long those methods take to clean a typical room in a home.

The Size of the Space

Are you having one or two rooms cleaned or perhaps the whole house? The amount of space you’re going to have the cleaning company work on will definitely affect how long it takes them to clean. If you have a small house, they will be done a lot sooner than if they were working in a large house.

The number of rooms is not as important as the square footage. One house may have a kitchen and dining room that’s the same size as the kitchen in another house. Keep that in mind as you’re trying to calculate how long it will take the cleaning company to tidy your home. Make sure they know the square footage if you’re asking them for an estimate on completion time.

If you’re trying to keep the cleaning process under a certain budget, then take the size of your home into consideration. You may just want to hire the cleaning company to tidy a few rooms rather than the entire house. Have them work on the rooms that might give you the most trouble, and you can get the most bang for your buck that way without having to pay for them to clean the entire house.

The Type of Cleaning Needed

Would you like the cleaning company to do a basic cleaning for you or something more in depth like a deep cleaning? It’s up to you, but keep in mind that a deep cleaning often takes a lot longer, especially in a larger space. If you’re trying to keep your costs low and the cleaning time to a minimum, then go for basic cleaning rather than a deep cleaning.

If you are still weighing your options, then ask the cleaning company about the difference between their deep cleaning and basic cleaning services. They may also have other cleaning packages available that you want to look into and compare. The more tasks you have the cleaning company do, the longer they will take and the more they will charge you. Most of them charge on an hourly basis or for any part of an hour, so keep that in mind as well.

You can often choose a cleaning package the company offers and then add tasks on top of that, like window washing, carpet cleaning, and other services that may not be included in the regular package. Not all cleaning companies will offer that kind of flexibility, but some of them do, and added tasks will increase the work time as well.


How easy is it for the cleaners to move through your house and do the work they need to do? If there’s a lot of furniture in the way or small items scattered about, then you could be making their work more difficult. You could be stretching out the work time and costing yourself more if you don’t do a little tidying up.

Now, keep in mind that the cleaning company is there to do the tidying for you. They can do organizing as well and put things where they go, but if they have to move around large objects, then that can stretch out the work time for them. It could be worth your while to do a little tidying up before they arrive, especially making sure that any tripping hazards are out of their way and furniture is off to the side as much as possible.

If there’s anything else in your home that could hinder them or slow them down, you’ll want to do something about it. Make sure all the rooms they are cleaning are accessible to them, and then keep small children and pets out of their way as they work. All of this will help to cut down on the cleaning time and cut down on your overall costs for the service.

Closing Thoughts

With this information in mind, you should have a better idea of how long it will take for the cleaning professionals to tidy your home. A small home with a basic cleaning service can take anywhere from two to three hours. An individual room may take about an hour or a little longer.. For a larger home, the work may take as much as five  hours or more, depending on the factors we’ve listed above.