How to Remove Highlight in PDF Online: A Comprehensive Guide

Have you ever received a PDF file that contained undesirable highlights or notes, only to find it challenging to remove them? A document with many highlighted text might be distracting and difficult to read, but eliminating the highlights can be tedious if you need the proper tools.

This article will show you how to remove highlights from PDF files using free and premium online PDF Editor. We’ll understand why you would want to eliminate highlights and offer some suggestions for streamlining the process. Let’s go in right now.

Why do you need to remove highlights in PDF files?

You should get rid of the highlights in a PDF in several scenarios. Case in point:

  1. Someone else’s highlights in a PDF you received are distracting or unnecessary in some way.
  2. It would be best to unselect the highlighted portion of the PDF since you selected the wrong text.
  3. If you send the PDF to someone who doesn’t need to see the highlights or could misinterpret them, you should remove them before sending it.

The point is knowing how to spot the red flags in a PDF file and remove them without affecting the content.

How to prevent accidental highlighting in PDF files

Unintentional highlighting is annoying, but it’s easy to avoid:

  • Use a “read-only” mode on your PDF viewer or editor to prevent accidental alterations.
  • When not in use, the highlighter should be disabled.
  • Highlight on a touch screen device with a stylus or pen rather than your finger.

Tips for removing highlights in PDF files

  • Consider the following suggestions to remove highlights from PDF files more quickly and easily.
  • If your PDF Editor has a search feature, you may quickly find and delete the highlighted text.
  • To avoid having to delete each highlight, use software that allows you to do it in bulk.
  • Before making any edits, please save a copy of the original PDF if you need to return it.

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How to Remove Highlight in PDF Online by using iTop PDF software?

Sure, the iTop PDF program makes it possible to delete PDF highlights online.

Remove highlights from PDFs easily using iTop PDF, a free online PDF editor. Follow these directions:

  1. Click the “Edit PDF” option on the iTop PDF website (
  2. Drag and drop your PDF into the iTop PDF window, or choose it from your computer, to upload it.
  3. When your file has finished uploading, choose the “Highlight” option from the menu on the left.
  4. To delete the marked text, click on it. Doing so will open a dialogue window.
  5. Choose “Delete Highlight” from the menu that appears.
  6. Select “Save” to keep your modified file.
  7. Finally, the end! You should no longer see any highlighted text in your PDF. Select the “Download” option to save your revised PDF.

iTop PDF is an accessible and user-friendly alternative PDF Editor for erasing highlights from PDF documents. It’s worth noting that compared to other PDF editors and viewers, iTop PDF lacks some key capabilities. Look elsewhere for an editor that meets your needs.

You might disable the highlight feature to make your PDFs easier to read. If you’re using iTop PDF or another program but still want to follow the procedures given in this post, you should be well with doing so.

Regarding simple PDF editing and annotating, iTop PDF, is hard to beat. It’s not the most feature-rich PDF editor or reader out there, but it gets the job done and is accessible to the eyes, so it’s worth a look.